This is one of the easiest hacks you can do to a website. It will allow you to change the website around however you want as if you owned it.
What you need:
- A IIS vulnerable website. (the best way to find out is to try this hack, if it doesn't work its not vulnerable)
- Windows xp operating system
- Goto start and click on Run
- Type this and press ok:
%WINDIR%EXPLORER.EXE ,::{20D04FE0-3AEA1069A2D8-08002B30309D}::{BDEADF00-C265-11d0BCED-00A0C90AB50F} - This should open up web folders. Right click in the folder and choose New then Web folder
- Now type in the URL of the vulnerable site (example: and press next.
- Click Finish
- Now any file you put in this folder will upload to the website. To test to see if you got in, create a text file in notepad and name it test. Then try going to and if it loads your text file, you've officially hacked the site!
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